Sunday Mornings
We invite you to join us in Sachse!
ON-LINE WORSHIP: Worship with us each Sunday on Facebook Live. Click here to join us.
Regardless of which worship service you attend, each provides engaging music, uplifting prayer and relevant teaching based on scripture. When we gather together, we explore the Word of God, partake of His sacraments and sing our praises together as family and as friends. FUMC Sachse offers a variety of worship experiences because we recognize that people celebrate God in different ways. Each service has its own unique style of delivery and atmosphere, though our core beliefs as a church remain the same. We hope that this page will assist you in finding a place where you feel most comfortable and free to become fully engaged in worship.
All services contain liturgy of the United Methodist tradition consisting of time for prayer, scripture readings as well as uplifting messages from one of our pastors or, on occasion, other staff members or lay leaders. The same sermon is traditionally preached at each of the two services.
Our 8:45 service has a more traditional feel where you can enjoy piano and traditional hymns. Music during this service can include our Chancel Choir, Handbell choir or a variety of individuals providing special music.
Our 10:45 service includes a wide range of music, from traditional hymns to contemporary praise songs. Songs may be sung by our Chancel choir, played by our Handbell choir or perhaps accompanied by a piano or the Crossfire praise band.
Communion is celebrated every Sunday in every service and the table is open to all persons. Children are especially welcome to participate with their families. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request and pew communion is available for those unable to come to the altar rail.
We use large screens to display prayers and hymns and offer large-print hymnals and bibles for those who need them. Hearing assistance devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.
ON-LINE WORSHIP: Worship with us each Sunday on Facebook Live. Click here to join us.
Children are always welcome in our services of worship and a children’s message is included each Sunday in each service. Activity packs for kids are available on the table located at the south side of the sanctuary. Parents are also invited to utilize our professionally staffed nursery where pagers are provided as a courtesy.
While all children are encouraged and welcome in worship spaces, sometimes they still require a space of their own. We offer Children’s Church every 2nd and 4th Sundays during the 10:45 service. All children (ages 2-3rd Grade) are invited to leave the sanctuary after Children’s Time and enter into a time specifically designed for them. During Children’s Church the kids will sings songs, learn Bible stories and scripture in a fun and interactive way.
Some people wear suits, some people wear jeans. Come as you are. Whatever you’re wearing, you’re already dressed.
Our 8:45 a.m. Sunday service is a traditional service, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Our 10:45 a.m. blended service lasts 60-75 minutes. Communion is shared in both services on every Sunday. Sunday School for all ages is offered in the hour between our traditional and blended services.