Youth Ministry Every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at our Cornerstone Campus
United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)
Attention all of you who are in middle school or high school. Your youth ministry meets every Sunday at the church from 5-7 p.m. Please come for fun, games, and a lesson. Friends and guests are always welcome!
During the pandemic, until the church is fully re-opened, we will combine the fun and fellowship of Sunday evening UMYF with the lessons and learning of Sunday school.
Here’s the typical Sunday evening schedule. (Note: all listed times should probably be read with an “ish”.)
5:00 – Snack supper, $2 please (Note: snack supper will be planned and served with the utmost care to assure everybody’s safety.)
5:20 – Fun & Games
6:00 – Lesson with group discussion
6:45 – Christ Candle (a sharing of joys and concerns)
6:55 – Benediction
After fun and games each Sunday, we’ll settle into a lesson with group discussion.